Friday, July 12, 2024 10:58:13 PM Teams may not have more than 4 competitive players on roster. Teams that come with more than 4 will be asked to remove some competitive players of their choice, our facility will not make the decision on who. It is on the coaches to make sure this is followed.
Sunday, June 2, 2024 12:16:41 AM League will consist of 8 games plus playoffs, if qualified. 7v7 format, including goalie. This league can keep your girls in shape and not lose their touch. This can also get them ready to start their High School soccer career. Let's have some great soccer nights in a family environment facility!!
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 4:44:09 PM 1. Se requiere la identificación del jugador para jugar. Todos los jugadores deberían tener los suyos propios. En el caso de que el jugador juegue en varias ligas y el entrenador de uno de los equipos la conserve, el jugador deberá adquirir otra tarjeta. 2. UNIFORMES: Se requieren camisetas de uniforme con números, así como pantalones cortos del mismo color a partir del tercer juego de la temporada. Si hay algún problema con el uniforme, comuníquese con la gerencia. 3. Un equipo debe tener al menos 2 jugadores menos para poder comenzar el juego. Ejemplo: el equipo de la liga 6v6 debe tener al menos 4 jugadores para comenzar el juego. 4. Si un equipo retrasa el INICIO de un juego por cualquier motivo, deberá iniciar la segunda mitad del juego con una penalización de 2 minutos. 5. Equipo de fútbol adecuado necesario para jugar, que incluye: espinilleras, zapatos de fútbol sala (de césped o planos, incluso tenis). NO SE PERMITEN TACOS DE CAMPO DE AFUERA. Todo esto junto con los uniformes. 6. No se permite barrerse. 7. Saques de banda son con pie no con manos. Saques pueden ser directos. 8. Se requieren 5 yardas automáticas en todos los tiros libres. El árbitro no está obligado a contarlos. 9. Los goles en propia meta contarán con situaciones de cumplimiento de criterios. 10. Toda la pelota debe pasar por encima de la línea roja para que se cuente detrás de la portería. 11. Un pase no debe cruzar las TRES líneas de campo en el aire. Si un jugador lo toca antes de que pase las tres líneas, todavía se considera una falta de 3 líneas. 12. Tarjeta azul dentro del arco de arquero es penal. 13. Faltas dentro del arco del arquero sin tarjeta son tiros del punto del arco. 14. Tarjetas ROJAS a jugadores durante el juego: el jugador debe salir de el campo y de el edificio. 15. Mas de DOS tarjetas ROJAS durante un juego puede causar que el partido se termine. Es determinado por el arbitro Y mayordomo encargado de negocio. ***EL ÁRBITRO ES LA MÁXIMA AUTORIDAD EN EL CAMPO*** ¡Respete a nuestros árbitros! No insultarlos, maldecirlos ni atacarlos. Tus acciones tendrán consecuencias.
Thursday, March 14, 2024 11:26:26 PM 1. Player ID's are required to play. All players should have they're own. In the case that the player plays in multiple leagues and the coach from one of the teams holds on to it, the player will be required to acquire another card. 2. UNIFORMS: Uniform shirts with numbers are required, as well as same colored shorts on and after the 3rd game of running season. If there's an issue with the uniform please contact management. 3. A team must have no less than 2 less players in order to start the game. Example: 7v7 league team must have no less than 5 players to start game, which 1 field player must be a female. 4. If a team delays the START of a game for any reason, they must start the second half of the game with a 2-minute penalty. 5. Proper soccer equipment required to play, which include: Shin guards, indoor soccer shoes (turf or flat, even tennis shoes). NO CLEATS ALLOWED. All of this along with uniforms. 6. No Sliding 7. Kick-ins, no throw-ins. 8. Automatic 5 yards are required on all free kicks. The referee is not required to count them off. 9. Own goals will count on criteria meeting situations. 10. The whole ball has to hit above red line for it to be counted out behind the goal. 11. Male goals count for 1. Female goals count for 2. 12. DEFLECTED SHOTS- Any deflected eligible shot will count as 1. 13. A pass must not cross all THREE field lines in the air. If a player touches it before it lands passed the three lines, it is still considered a 3 line fault. 14. A male player can score passed last line if a female player passes him the ball in the area without any player from opposing team touching it. ***THE REFEREE IS THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY ON THE FIELD*** Respect our referees! No insulting them, cussing at them, or attacking them. Your actions will have consequences.
Thursday, March 14, 2024 10:59:02 PM 1. Player ID's are required to play. All players should have they're own. In the case that the player plays in multiple leagues and the coach from one of the teams holds on to it, the player will be required to acquire another card. 2. UNIFORMS: Uniform shirts with numbers are required, as well as same colored shorts on and after the 3rd game of running season. If there's an issue with the uniform please contact management. 3. A team must have no less than 2 less players in order to start the game. Example: 6v6 league team must have no less than 4 players to start game. 4. If a team delays the START of a game for any reason, they must start the second half of the game with a 2-minute penalty. 5. Proper soccer equipment required to play, which include: Shin guards, indoor soccer shoes (turf or flat, even tennis shoes). NO CLEATS ALLOWED. All of this along with uniforms. 6. No Sliding 7. Kick-ins, no throw-ins. 8. Automatic 5 yards are required on all free kicks. The referee is not required to count them off. 9. 6 Fouls will lead up to a penalty kick, these fouls includes sliding or handballs, blue/yellow/red cards do not go towards the 6 foul count. 10. Own goals will count on criteria meeting situations. 11. The whole ball has to hit above red line for it to be counted out behind the goal. 12. A pass must not cross all THREE field lines in the air. If a player touches it before it lands passed the three lines, it is still considered a 3 line fault. 13. Players that play on multiple leagues can play throughout the season. Once playoffs begin, those players must choose ONE team to stick with throughout the series. NO EXCEPTIONS 14. The ONLY player that can be replaced throughout the season, after cutoff, is the goalie. Goalies can be replaced when it's an injury. ***THE REFEREE IS THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY ON THE FIELD*** Respect our referees! No insulting them, cussing at them, or attacking them. Your actions will have consequences.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 12:49:01 PM This league is created for recreational purposes. We want players that are playing for fun and to give soccer a try. If you're returning from an injury, haven't played in YEARS, or playing because you want to say you played soccer once (at least)...this league is for you! If you want the smoke in a higher competition league, we have other leagues to accommodate you. Please respect our players that are coming back or giving this a try. Thank you!!